Where Can I Get A Pet Platypus What Should I Name My Pet Platypus?

What should I name my pet Platypus? - where can i get a pet platypus

I have a pet platypus, and I have no idea what is going on! What should I call?


Dogs Best Friend said...

Wow it's great that you have a pet platypus. I learned a lot from them in school. Here are some ideas for his name. First, if a girl could be named Lilly, Emma, Sally and Patty. However, if a child was Danny, Patrick and Sam do also have some names for the two children, swings, Sammy or Quackers. I think Patty is Sooooooooo good. Patty platypus really. But it is up to you. Good luck!

connie said...

hah wow has no life if you are wrong questions.

Jimmy Page said...

Iggy. Or Ziggy. Or maybe Zaphod. These are the names of the cold.

NOeyeIn3... said...


Rae said...

Awww, are my favorite animals!

I think you should call Duckie Poos, if a child or a daughter, Sheila.

thejanit... said...

Billy, of course, and Billie. How can detect the sex of a platypus?

Most of us can say, "platypus", without even thinking about the duck word "summit". Then call Billy or Billie.

onlymika... said...

First, it is illegal to have a pet platypus, the second sharp of everything they have blades on the back of the legs that can kill you if you would be in great danger.

I suggest you spend your time for something else.

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