New Guest Letter For Church If You Had A Rude Church Coordinator At The Wedding, Would You Write A Letter Of Complaint?

If you had a rude church coordinator at the wedding, would you write a letter of complaint? - new guest letter for church

My husband and I had problems marrying a church (we are) non-members. Finally, we have a thought, he married a few weeks ago. We had our own personal wedding planner, but the church did not want to leave him a voice in the coordination, but because they help us, we said, fine. Your wedding coordinator was sooo rude. It was a dark, tense and handled our wedding planners will be wasted as useless. In addition, our pastor was so nice and helpful and sweet woman (). So I do not like to write a letter of complaint and the feelings of the pastor or hurt feel as if we were in 2-(since we express our gratitude for his choice of how to get married in spite of his church who are not members). But at the same time, the coordinator of the church outside the line several times, and other people / clients was also identified. That is why I am writing this letter, yes or no? Can it make a difference, or that the church does not matter because we are not members?


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