Belly Button Pain More Condition_symptoms Any Males Ever Have Lower Belly Button Pain That Also Hurts In The Tip Of Your Penis?

Any males ever have lower belly button pain that also hurts in the tip of your penis? - belly button pain more condition_symptoms

I have a sharp pulling sensation behind my belly button from time to time, which comes with pain so strong at the head of my penis.


Al M said...

You may have a hernia. Go to the consideration of man.

metaphor... said...

Then I clicked on the head of my penis was taken for a ball in a football game (very glad that my ball is lost) and I felt a heavy heart that the feeling in my stomach, its kind of what you had to tell, but the reverse . But I say, it really is a correlation time. should go to the same nerve cells, or something like that.

Five Stat said...

Yeah man, you can see a document that had the same problem, too. When I was younger, like 8 without pain in my navel and was a break and BA 4 as I was going to see a man doc

Ray J said...

dude, I know you speak. But only if I put my finger in the navel and try Slean or Sumthing. Identity, but if I have a sharp pain in my stomach and my penis. im pretty sure this is normal, and havent these other people, or tried Sumthing .... I hope it is

afi567x said...

I think, and when I say that I think he might be right or do not know what I'm talking about are ... but I think it has something to do with your belly button is associated with you ... the urethra ... or something ... everything is really, we know that some people have procedures in place so they can urinate in the first place through the navel, usually because they are disabled.

Teen Muscle Man said...

Yes, I have an answer: What?

lil cowgirl91 said...

with my ex, when I press the button on his testi Bely and the penis begins to hurt.

ktmel87 said...

So, your question about a connection between the penis and the navel??

WEIRDO * cough cough *

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